Welcome to Huehuetenango.
Huehuetengo or “Huehue” (“way-way”) as the locals call it, is a region located in the western highlands of Guatemala. Meaning “Place of the Ancients,” Huehue is spread thick of rich Mayan culture and history. It's not particularly easy to access and suffered immensely during the multi-decade Guatemalan civil war. As a result, Huehue faces significant poverty rates, malnutrition, and other challenges.
That said, Huehue produces some of the best quality coffee in the world and is a significant agriculture and mining region. Huehue is also home to many of Thrive's coffee farmers. We're looking forward to your visit to show you a place that has become very special to our hearts. Get ready to share our affections when you meet its warm people, beautiful views and delicious coffee.

What to expect on the ground
- Short, in-country flight once you land in Guatemala City. Please limit luggage to 1 carry-on-sized bag (30LBs or less) and one backpack.
- Rugged, winding, mountainous terrain with gravel and dirt roads. If you're prone to motion sickness, you may want to consider bringing an aid/medication.
- A drive each day of approximately 1-3 hours.
- Once in a community, a lot of travel will be done by foot, walking uphill for short distances. Bring comfortable, supportive walking shoes.
Food & Water
- Do not drink from local water sources. Drink only from sealed water bottles with filtered water.
- ThriveWorx will provide water and basic snacks each day.
- Be sensitive to eating raw foods including fruits and vegetables. Avoid unless they have been pre-cooked before chilling or washed with filtered water.
- There will be limited access to grocery stores. If you have food allergies or particular food preferences, you may want to consider packing some snacks in your suitcase.
- We recommend bringing medications and vitamins, with you from home, as pharmacy access is limited.
Hotel & Accommodations
- While in Huehue, expect basic accommodations during your stay. Hotels will have everything you need, but may not provide every comfort you're used to.
- Basic rooms are small, sometimes outfitted with twin beds, do not have air-conditioning, and may not have television or other similar amenities.
- Cellular service and wi-fi will be spotty and sometimes unavailable.
Our work matters.
The incredible price stability that the Thrive coffee provides coffee farmers, and the subsequent holistic development ThriveWorx delivers, directly addresses farmers' greatest challenges as highlighted in a June 2019 article by the Washington Post. Huehuetenango is a region greatly impacted by record-low coffee prices, forcing families to break apart as people leave in search of a better future.
If we succeed, we help usher a better future directly to Huehue and beyond.

We're here to help
You're a valued part of our team and we want to make sure you feel ready and equipped to serve with us. If you can't find what you need in these webpages, please let us know. You make us better.
Email us at serve@thriveworx.org.

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215 Hembree Park Dr Ste 100
Roswell, GA 30076
(770) 404-6789

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